Friday, May 29, 2009


David Bowie taught us all that while we can't change time or other people, we can change ourselves as long as we don't waste time by chasing it. So I made a change, I changed the title and the text of one my posts to fit in with my theme of what a commenter called "rock philosophy," I changed the name to (Let's Go) Smoke Some Pot. It's a farcical, whimsy tune by Dash Rip Rock. It's also a parody of the 50's hit Let's go to the Hop (for the young crowd the title references a 'sock hop,' a dance where you take off your shoes and dance in socks). I will use other music to philosophize about, except for country-that goes against all I stand for and all I hold dear in this world. So buckle up and get ready for the ride of your life.

1 comment:

Justus said...

Believe it or not Puls, but I've heard that song! It's one of the great things about pandora ( is that you can listen to any music, however horrible it might be and not feel bad at all.

I heard that song because one day I decided that I needed to broaden my pallet, so I hit the "Rockabilly" genre. It was almost as good as the time I decided Marian hadn't been exposed to enough "Deathcore Metal" yet.