Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Green is the Colour

You French cinema enthusiasts might remember a little 1969 film called More about idyllic life on Ibiza. Partiers in Ibiza enjoy the lush, rolling green hills often associated with Ireland or New Zealand. I will soon be a partaker in their joy. My apartment complex started putting in sod today, and while the dirt yard was nice, I think I'll like the grass even better. This is another example of me getting excited about the mundane, but I'll try to deal with it-it happens to the best of us. I mean even Snoop dogg pontificates about grass in Starsky and Hutch, so why not me? (mild expletives in this clip) And Green is the Colour is one of my favorite Pink Floyd songs (they wrote and performed the soundtrack for More including this ditty).


Matt "Hacksaw" said...

I think more people should find joy in little things. Plus, grass is great.

Marc said...

I'm so confused!

Chad Can Plan said...

Grass is great. Why are they making grass in the fall/winter? It doesn't make sense.