Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Monkey's Uncle

Who remembers the 60s Disney Classic with the chimp and Tommy Kirk? The Monkey's Uncle was an instant classic. While everyone who knows me well knows that I don't like animals unless they are grilled and on my dinner plate, I do like being an uncle and sometimes it seems like my nephew and nieces are little monkeys, climbing all over the place and look at those cheesey grins! I got to see them all for Thanksgiving at my parent's house, and it was a blast, they are so fun. We played hide and seek and button button, read books, watched movies, and ate a lot of good food!

Above is Grant (4) and Olivia (2) in one picture and Brynlee (almost 2) in the other. Cute little monkeys huh?

1 comment:

Matt "Hacksaw" said...

Nieces and Nephews are so fun, I see the Pulsipher cheesy smile has passed to the next generation!