Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Waiting

So The Waiting really is the hardest part. I'm still waiting for an appointment with Dr (Garry?) Coleman in SLC to discuss going on BCNU. They don't have any here in Utah Valley, the manufacturer doesn't have any and aren't making any, so I have to see someone at Hunstman, then get scheduled for a dose, then get the dose. It's frustrating because the MRI on 2/7/11 showed growth and I got my last dose of Avastin on 2/9/11, and should have started on the BCNU (or something else) immediately. A month is a long time to leave a tumor growing unchecked in your brain. I've been very patient, but I'm with Indigo from "The Princess Bride" when he says, "I hate waiting!" I'll update here and facebook when I actually have an update to give.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

That totally stinks. I'm sorry. We'll pray that you get what you need ASAP.